Address | 〒105-0012 1-11-9 LionsMansionB102 Shibadaimon,Minato-ku,Tokyo |
Phone | +81-3-6884-4424 | Location | Shinagawa, Hamamatsucho, and Gotanda |
Category | Izakaya |
Smoking | Smoke-free |
Card/mobile payment | Credit Cards Accepted (JCB , VISA , Master Card , AMERICAN EXPRESS) |
Free Wi-Fi | Not Available |
Big screen for watching sports | Not Available |
Hours |
Night 05:30 PM ~ 11:00 PM |
Closed | Sunday,Holidays |
Menu Language | 日本語,English,한국어,简体中文,繁体 |
Access | 3 min.walk from the A6 of Daimon station |
Price Range | approx. 5,000yen |
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) | Available (¥500/person) |

Price includes tax.
1Sashimi Assortment
Specialty of the House / Seasonal Dishes / One-person Serving / Raw and Unprepared
2Raw Oysters
Specialty of the House / Produced in Iwate Prefecture
- Raw Oysters
3Sake Lees,Ham Deep-fried
Bestselling Dishes / This is the dish everybody's talking about. / Specialty of the House / A perfect match for beer or sake. / Serving for Two or Three Persons / Deep-fried Food / Piping Hot
- Ham / Sake Lees
4Chicken Meat Grilled or Broiled Salted Ingredients
Serving for Two or Three Persons / Baked / Warm / Lightly Browned
- Chicken Meat
5Sautéed Beef Tongue Marinated in Miso
Serving for Two or Three Persons / Seared Then Roasted / Warm / Oily or Rich
- Beef Tongue / Miso
6Skewered Chicken Meatballs
Baked / Warm / Food Texture / Tender
- Chicken Meat / Cartilage / Carrots / Burdock Root
7Deep-fried Sweet Shrimp
Serving for Two or Three Persons / Deep-fried Food / Warm / Lightly Salted / Light
- Sweet Shrimp
8Deep-fried Silver-striped Round Herring
Serving for Two or Three Persons / Deep-fried Food / Warm / Lightly Salted / Soft
- Silver-striped Round Herring
9Deep-fried Oysters
Deep-fried Food / Hot / Lightly Browned
- Oysters
10Deep Fried Pufferfish
Serving for Two or Three Persons / Deep-fried Food / Warm / Lightly Salted / Soft
- Pufferfish
11Corn Tempura
A perfect match for beer or sake. / This is something children like. / Serving for Two or Three Persons / Deep-fried Food / Warm / Sweet / Lightly Salted
- Corn
12Satsuma-style Deep-fried Fish-paste Patties
Deep-fried Food / Warm / Lightly Browned / Soft
- Carrots / Burdock Root / Dried Sardine Fry
13Potato Salad
Ready immediately. / Serving for Two or Three Persons / Chilled / Soft
- Potatoes / Carrots / Spinach / Salmon / Boiled Eggs / Mayonnaise / Cheese
14Caesar Salad
Triple Serving
- Lettuce / Potherb Mustard Greens / Paprika / Chicken Meat / Slow Cooked egg / Cheese
15Oysters Smoked
Ready immediately. / Produced in Hiroshima Prefecture / Smoked / Chilled
- Oysters / Olive Oil
16Firefly Squid Pickled in Soy Sauce
Ready immediately. / Serving for Two / Triple Serving / Raw / Flavored with Soy Sauce / A Delicacy
- Firefly Squid
17Octopus,Wakame Seaweed Vegetables and Fish with a Vinegar-Miso Dressing
Ready immediately. / Serving for Two / Triple Serving / Spicy Hot / Light and Refreshing Taste / Acidity
- Octopus / Wakame Seaweed
18Stingray Fin
A perfect match for beer or sake. / Addictive / Serving for Two / Triple Serving / Seared Then Roasted / Warm / Sweet / Lightly Browned / A Delicacy
- Ray
19Saketoba (salmon Fillet skins, Thinly Sliced lengthwise, rinsed in sea water and dried in a sea breeze)
A perfect match for beer or sake. / Serving for Two or Three Persons / Seared Then Roasted / Warm / Very Salty
- Salmon
20Dried Shredded Squid
A perfect match for beer or sake. / Serving for Two or Three Persons / Seared Then Roasted / Warm / Richly Flavored / A Delicacy / Richly Flavored
- Japanese Common Squid
21Shuto Pickled Bonito Entrails
A perfect match for beer or sake. / Ready immediately. / Serving for Two or Three Persons / Very Salty / A Delicacy
- Bonito / Myoga Ginger
22Salted Squid Viscera
A perfect match for beer or sake. / Ready immediately. / Serving for Two or Three Persons / Richly Flavored / Very Salty / A Delicacy / Chilled
- Squid
23Mozzarella Pickled in Miso
Ready immediately. / Serving for Two or Three Persons / Chilled / Richly Flavored / Soft
- Mozzarella / Miso / Dried, Fermented, and Smoked Bonito
24Smoked Pickled Daikon Radish Mixed with Cream Cheese
A perfect match for beer or sake. / Ready immediately. / Serving for Two or Three Persons / Richly Flavored / Chilled / Smooth to the Touch / Food Texture / Soft
- Daikon Radish / Cream Cheese / Miso
25Miso,Cheese Risotto
A perfect match for beer or sake. / One-person Serving / Warm / Richly Flavored / Oily or Rich / Richly Flavored
- Rice / Miso / Cheese
26Inaniwa Udon Noodles
One-person Serving / Warm / Chilled
- Toasted Sesame Seeds / Scallions / Shredded Laver
27Ochazuke Rice-and-tea (Sea Bream)
One-person Serving / Warm
- Rice / Sea Bream / Toasted Sesame Seeds
28Ochazuke Rice-and-tea (Ume)
One-person Serving / Warm / Light and Simple Foods / Light and Refreshing Taste
- Rice / Ume
29Miso Soup
One-person Serving / Warm / Richly Flavored
- Dark-brown Miso
30Assorted Pickled Ingredients
Serving for Two or Three Persons / Lightly Salted / Light and Refreshing Taste
Price includes tax.