渋谷TAKEOFF7shibuya take off seven
地址 | 〒150-0042 32-12, Assorti Shibuya B1F Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo |
電話 | +81-3-3770-7755 | 區域 | Shibuya |
種類 | Other |
URL | https://www.kox-radio.jp/takeoff7/ |
香煙 |
有專用吸菸室 (僅供吸菸的吸菸室(禁止飲食)) |
信用卡/行動支付 | Credit Cards Not Accepted |
免費Wi-Fi | Not Available |
觀看體育賽事的大型螢幕 | Not Available |
營業時間 |
Daytime 12:00 PM ~ 05:00 PM Night 06:00 PM ~ 10:00 PM It depends on the day. For details,feel free to check out our homepage. Thank you. |
公休日 | Varied |
菜單語言 | 日本語,English |
交通位置 | 5 min.walk from the Hachiko Exit of Shibuya station |
平均預算 | approx. 600yen |
收費(場地費、服務費、下酒小菜等) | Not Available |